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Hey my little endertoasts! I found a new name for you guys! Too bad not many people are reading this... Anyways, enjoy!

Ty's POV

I sat at the back of the class. I listened to my music, and just zoned out. Mr. Yatsatchi called my name for attendance. "Yup," I put a hand up. He continued. Once attendance was done, he called our attention.

"Attention, guys. We have three new students in this class." he announced. Sky walked in, along with Tyler, and Seto. Sky's eyes wandered around the class, and his eyes fell on me. He smiled. "Class, p, ease welcome Adam Dalhburg (don't know their last names ), Tyler Brotato, and Seto Spels." The boys waved. "Who would like to show them around?" My hand shot up, faster than anybody else. Mr. Yatsatchi's eyebrows rose. "Mr. Lox?" he questioned. I nodded. Something about Sky attracted me to him. I think I like him... but he would never love a mutant like me. Sky smiled again. Wow. His smile is dazzling. Mr. Yatsatchi directed them to the desks at the back, near mine. Sky was right beside me, on one side, and Seto on the other. Tyler was on the other side of Seto. Mr. Yatsatchi started a boring math lesson, and I was just starting ton get lost in my music and thoughts, when a note landed on my desk with a soft plunk. Ty. I'm booored. You? it read. I tapped my earphones gently. He nodded. Plunk. Nice headphones. What type of music do you like? Metal core. Death core. Metal. Mostly kinda dark stuff. I responded. Plunk. Cool. You? Plunk. Not much, really. Today's hits, I guess. Huh. Plunk. So. Why was Josh... you know? You don't want to know... Plunk. Yes. I do. Please. Maybe another time. Plunk. Ugh. Butt. I held in a giggle. He smiled at me. The bell rang for first break. I stood up, scooping my things into my bag. I walked out of the class. Sky caught up in the hallways. "Where are Seto and Tyler?" I asked quietly. "With the others." The normal names weren't being whispered through the halls, as the normally are. Then I heard a snicker, and I tripped of some jerk's foot. I went flying, and my books spilled from my bag, and my hood came off. My cat ears were exposed. I was surprised he hadn't noticed, my tail somehow, but how would he miss these. Laughs and giggles ricochetted through the hall, leaking into my mind. Sky's eyes were wide, as he stared at my ears. I picked myself up, scooped up my books, and started rushing down the hall, embarrassment burning in a Brit shade of red on my cheeks. "Ty!" called Sky. I continued speed walking down the halls, until I burst through the doors, and his behind my bush. I felt tears falling down my cheeks, and my fangs and claws emerging. I raked my claws down the bush's trunk. "Ty?" Sky called. I wept bitterly, behind the foliage of the bush. Finally one person, who didn't know what I was, then some jackass trips me, and blows it. Sky peered from behind the leaves. My claws were lodged in the trunk, my head resting on my arms, weeping like a lost baby. He snuck over to me, and wiped away my tears. He cradled my face in his hands, and wiped them away with his thumbs. "It's okay, Ty. I don't think any different of you. In fact..." blush crept onto his cheeks, "I think it makes you... cuter..." I looked up at him, shock played out all over my face. "Y-y-you think... I'm cute?" I stuttered. He nodded. I hugged him. "Thank you," I whispered in his ear. His arms wrapped around me. My tail flicked happily, and for the first time in years, my ears weren't flat to my head, in sadness, embarrassment, anger, or shame. He pulled away. He looked me in the eyes. "I dont't think I'm cute. Or smart, or anything short of useless, and a waste of air..." I muttered to myself as I looked down. This is too good. He must just be saying this to make me feel better. He put his index finger under my chin, and his thumb on my cheeks, tilting my head upwards. "You are none of that." he stated firmly. I took his hand off with both of my own. "Yes I am." I said. "No!" he burst out. I flinched. "You are nothing short of perfect!" he shouted. He spontaneously grabbed my wrists. I almost flinched, but I didn't want him suspicious. "I fell out of a tree! It's just a little sore, okay?" I lied. He nodded, suspicion lingering in his eyes. He pulled me in for a hug. "Okay, Ty." he said. we just sat ere hands entwined until the warning bell rang. Time for next class...

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