The emergency room

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Hey endertoasts! I have another part of the story for you! I hope your all enjoy! :-)

Sky's POV

I sat on the cold metal chair beside his hospital bed. His soft hand was in mine, but his eyes were closed. "Please Ty, don't go on me. You can do this!" despite my encouraging words, a tear slipped off my cheek, and onto his crisp blue sheets. I clutched his hand like it was a life line, like if I held on hard enough, he couldn't slip away on me. Every day Martin and Tyler, and all of them would visit, but I barely paid attention to them. They would say empty encouragements, and I would nod, not taking my eyes off him. If he doesn't make it, I think I might go insane.

Ty's POV

A white haze hung around me, and every breath i took was a struggle. I could catch fleeting noises. I have to get back to Sky! my mind screamed frantically. I struggled like I was tied up, but I just couldn't break free. The white haze grew, and soon enough, I felt like I couldn't even breath, it choked me. I felt like I was floating away from everything I new, and if I couldn't ground myself, I would never make it back.

Sky's POV

Often times his heart monitor would start beating fast, and the nurses and doctors would come rushing in, ushering me out. I would sit in the hall, head in hands, not moving until I was allowed back in. It could take hours, and if any of my friends happened to visit, nothing they tried to do could convince me to move. While I was locked out, I wouldn't eat, I wouldn't do anything but at are at the floor blankly, because I felt that if I moved, even just to go to the cafeteria, he wouldn't be there when I got back. When I would finally be allowed back in, I would rush, and sit down with his hand in mine, all over again, until pure starvation would motivate me to move my hands to call someone for food. After two weeks, Ty flat lined. "No!" I cried out. "Ty! Don't do this!" I was numb as the doctor pushed me into the hall again.

Ty's POV

The white tendrils of death wrapped around my throat. I gasped and choked my immobile hands struggling, trying to move the tendrils. Finally I felt nothing.

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