The White Binder

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Hey ender toasts! Been I
Ty's POV

I sat on the couch across from Mitch and Jerome, who were on the loveseat. It was the perfect name for them, seeming as they wouldn't stop kissing. I think Mitch was doing it just to spite me. And he was suceeding. I was pissing me off. Mitch then got caught up in the act of kissing down Jerome's neck, and Jerome moaned. "What ever you guys. You wanna be like that? I'll just leave. I'm sure one of the other guys has some form of fashion sense." Jerome pulled away from Mitch's embrace. "Sorry Ty," he said, shooting Mitch a glance. "Aw, come on. Don't be such a wet blanket." I frowned. "Here, I'll make you a deal." I nodded slowly. "Depends." "If Jerome and I can make you moan, we get to take a twenty minute 'break'." He used air quotes. "If I don't moan, you'll put up with whatever's going on down there until I leave?" He nodded. "But guys! Anything that happens is just a bet, nothing more, and no taking clothes off, right?" Jerome pitched in. Mitch and I nodded. "Deal?" He said confidently. "Deal." I agreed, stacking my hand with his and Jerome's. I pushed the binder away, and sat up straight, ready for whatever they were going to do. Jerome crawled over the table extremely shyly. He booped my nose, then crawled onto my lap. He wrapped his legs around my waist,and leaned in. Mitch came around the side, and started rubbing my shoulders.

"A massage will make you relax, so that you're easier to get into." He explained. I squirmed against the rope bindings. The gag in my mouth was rancid and I could taste the grime. The room was one of his many, dimly lit, stinking, prison chambers.

I pushed the non existent smells away, and focused on what my friends were doing. Not him. Its not him... I tried convincing myself. I was going to win this bet! Jerome kissed me, slowly, and softly as if it were a first date. I guess, in a weird sort if way, it was. His lips moved smoothly, and Mitch's hands were making my tense back relax. They were moving down my back. Jerome pulled at my bottom lip with his teeth. He was being gentle, but I surprised me.

His teeth shredded the skin of my lower lip as he broke and entered into my mouth. I could taste the iron. His tongue was salty, and his hands were rough.

I struggled to stay in the present. Jerome slipped his tongue into my mouth when I parted my lips. Mitch's hands were on my waist, rubbing up and down with his thumbs. Jerome's arms wrapped around my neck, his fingers tangling in my hair. Jerome was timid and kind to me, reminding me that they weren't going to hurt me. An unknown forced Jerome closer to me, making him blush and gasp. Mitch's hands were on his waist now, pushing Jerome's erection onto my stomach. Mitch slowly pulled his hands across the fabric of Jerome's shirt onto my chest. His hands were on my abs. They slid down, down, down, onto my inner thighs.

He bit my nipple and smacked me when I moaned quietly. I whimpered. I-it... It isn't my fault... Right?

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