Chapter 69

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"We look at eachother and 
we smile that smile 
like a secret we share 
we both know we've found 
what the whole world is searching for"
◁Jm Storm▷


When Nicole and I were younger we always had this idea of how our life would be, I guess it was just like every other girl. We would move into our own apartment once we got out of school and then date a few guys here and there before falling hopelessly in love with the man of our dreams in our early 20s.

We would be engaged for a year at most before getting married and waiting a few years before we started our own families. So as you can gather we had assumed that by 30 we would have been happily married with kids, but that hadn’t been us. I mean of course it hadn’t because that was some perfect fantasy and that wasn’t our life…

We lost our grandfather that sent us into a tailspin but also guided us to wrestling, wrestling brought us all of our great loves. And even though things hadn’t gone as planned, somehow we still landed up getting what we wanted after failed relationships and messy situations and that made me so proud of us...

"Push! Come on baby…" Joe encouraged my sister while I stood on the other side, both her hands were occupied by us while my mom stood beside me recording or we hoped she was but she was hysterical herself.

“You just need to get Jasmine out, Nicole” I whispered before repositioning the cloth on her forehead.

I was happy Jon wasn’t with us, he had been through enough trauma witnessing everything I had gone through and my sister had to do it twice, naturally might I add.

“I can’t…” She croaked after one long push, her exhaustion was evident. Joe briefly glanced at me as we could hear the cries of little Joe in the background, their first born. 

“We are almost there, Nicole. Just one more” I whispered knowing she just wanted it to be over.

Her water had broken a week early, right in the middle of our double Valentine’s Day dinner with the guys. It had been slightly dramatic as she had been carrying the dessert to the table while Jon had gotten a bottle of wine. She hadn’t realized until he had slipped, broken the wine bottle, and been totally grossed out as we saw the trail led to Nicole. I guess it was good he had to stay home to take care of our little girl…

I smiled brightly as I heard another sound of cries fill the room and soon saw their daughter being lifted and cleaned while Joe kissed her deeply before they handed Joe Jr to Nicole.

My sister and I were twins, so we always had each other even when the world was against us. I knew that as our friendships deepened with the guys the dynamic between the two of us had shifted, the co-dependence we once had with each other was transferred onto them. It was all fine in the first several years because both of us were stuck in our bubbles but once Jon and I became more while she and Joe became distant that’s when our dynamic shift had taken its toll on her.
It was the first time I felt like I wasn’t part of her life as much as I had been in the past because she shut me out too. There were times where I wondered what would become of the bond we once had because while I didn’t know marriage and kids were on the table for Jon and I, I knew I was fulfilled while she wasn’t.

But now… As I stared at her and Joe holding their babies within their arms and as they shared adoring glances between one another all those fears were out the door. I always knew they were soul mates but when they had significant others it didn’t seem like something that should have been said. 

Everyone just seemed to forget about her being human, after her breakup with John she was ridiculed online. She was emotionally destroyed and the one person that brought her happiness was the man she had chosen over the man she had been in love with. Had it been me I may have chosen the man I was in love with because the alternative would have been too scary, but she knew that Joe as a friend brought more value to her life than her boyfriend.

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