Chapter 62

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"Sometimes I still stare at you, amazed and absolutely enchanted. And even though I've held your gaze a thousand times, when you turn to me and give me that silly grin of yours, you still make me blush."


I stared out of the window and felt Joe's hand squeezing mine and stared at him. All I felt like doing was crying, it was like deja vu and I just regretted doing the spear at all. It was something I liked doing because it made me feel like I was presenting Joe in a sense and it wasn’t that bad. But me missing and not being able to prepare myself for the miss had led to me getting hurt and possibly ruining my future in the company.

I was grateful for him being with me, he had been there when I got the good news that I was cleared, and he had been my biggest supporter as I prepared for my comeback. The time spent without him was now merely a distant memory and I hoped I would never experience that loneliness again. Yet with the news I had gotten from my doctor I knew I would possibly be feeling lonely quite abit once my wrestling career grew more distant.

He pulled into the driveway of my mom’s house with Johnny and shut the car off, "I have been thinking of what to say and I don't know what to say. It's just something that can't be changed, you came back from a very serious injury. So, we knew this could happen and now it's come to the point where you have to choose what's important again"

I was waiting for him to say something as the half hour drive from the hospital had been quite silent. I knew he was also giving me my space to process things, it wasn’t like they said I was forced to retire. Its just that getting into a ring again would be risky, my body needed time even if I didn’t want to take it.

"I didn't make that choice the last time" I mumbled not to remind him of the betrayal I felt back then but just to make a point. The most important thing to me about my return was that I felt I would be able to do things on my terms and now I was back to square one.

"That's why I don't want to say too much because this is all up to you" His voice was soft and I knew he was just trying to show his support and by not saying much he wanted me to just let him know how I felt about what I was told in my appointment.

"It doesn't feel that way. It’s like my fate has already been sealed and I'm just watching it all be ripped away again. Just when I was happy, working with you, seeing you at work and having our time together. It always happens this way and I hate it." I croaked as I felt tears fill my eyes. “I don’t want to feel helpless all over again, like my life isn’t in my control and just have people deciding for me. I want to be able to do what I know I can do…”

He leaned over and pulled me into his arms as the tears fell, tears he knew were coming since we left. He had been holding my hand throughout everything as we were shown the x-rays and told everything. I had just tried to be as calm as I could while we were in the room but I couldn’t anymore when everything was just ripped from my control.

"I asked him if you would be able to compete and he was adamant against it but it doesn't mean you can't. If you are cleared, then that's that " He whispered and gently wiped my tears as he spoke after a few moments of just allowing me to unload my disappointment

I nodded, "It's a risk though. It's not like I have a Mania match anyway but just the fact that I know my end is near is too much. And I need something to be mad at but how can I be mad at you when you look so hot in those specs"

He chuckled which caused me to smile even though I felt like crap and kissed him. I loved when he wore them, not only did it make him look adorable but also gave off the sexy professor vibe. I was so happy to have him in my life as my husband because I knew even if things were to take a turn for the worst, at least I would always have him. 

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