Chapter 67

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“How blessed it truly is,
to stumble upon a soul
that wants nothing but smiles
and sunshine for you,
for the rest of your life.”




I heard the alarm go off and knew I needed to get up, correction, we needed to get ourselves out of bed. Joe's fingers tracing over my body reminded me that we needed to be in the shower soon. I had been awake for awhile but couldn’t stop myself from admiring the view of the beach from our window, it was a beautiful sight that I couldn’t enjoy as often as I did back when I lived in San Diego. 

My life had changed so much since then, sharing wine on the balcony with John while we spoke about work and power moves in life. That was one thing that we honestly had in common, our drive, that was what drew me to him but being with someone that is purely focused on one thing can be tough.
I admired it and understood why but it was different for me; I always felt like I could be doing more but not just with work, just life in general. I wanted to be completely fulfilled in my life in a way that felt comforting, enough and safe all at once. 

Wrestling was currently on the backburner which was emotionally devastating for me because as I said I loved comfort and that had been my home. It was still standing, I just couldn’t be apart of it right now but I liked to believe one day I would be back. However, for now the Bella Twins were the devoted cheerleaders to their guys that got to live out their dreams in the ring while we figured out our life after wrestling.

I turned to find Joe gazing at me and stretched slightly, "Do we really have to go?"

"Well I feel like it’s kind of in our hands to make sure it actually happens" He smirked knowingly even though he looked like I felt. He had just gotten home a couple days ago after a two week tour and by the end of the weekend he would be flying out again.

"That is true" I giggled. 

It was the day my sister hadn't been sure would come, her wedding day. Jon hadn’t proposed or anything, he had just decided they needed to be married soon when he had looked at the birth certificate of Birdie and realized Brie didn’t share their last name. Brianna Colace-Good it would be, and I guess it sounded pretty much the same as Nicole Anoa’i, it didn’t fit much but also just made us feel good to share the names with the guys we loved.

The last five months since Wrestlemania had been quite eventful in our family, I had discovered on Joe’s birthday that I was pregnant. We had been home celebrating with his family and after a long week of feeling horrible I had snuck into the bathroom after we got home. 

I stared at the clear indication of me being pregnant, two weeks to be exact, and I knew I had probably frozen in place for abit as I heard Joe lazily calling me. The plan was definitely for a baby by the end of the year, since my in ring status was on the rocks it seemed like the perfect time.

I left the bathroom and entered the room to find Joe laid on his stomach with his eyes closed. Its how we usually felt after spending hours with our families, and I could only imagine how he felt. His job was to interact with thousands of people every day, something I hadn’t done in a month, a welcomed break.

I slowly approached the bed and straddled his back which caused a small smile to fill his face, but his eyes remained closed. I leaned over and placed a kiss onto his cheek, “I love you, Joe”

“Love you too, Nicole” he mumbled, and I wondered if I should have left the test in the bathroom and waited till he was a bit more alert. But I needed him to know because I wouldn’t be able to sleep properly tonight. 

Never Alone //ROMAN REIGNS | NIKKI BELLA [COMPLETE ✔]Where stories live. Discover now