Chapter 15

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"How someone reacts to your sadness
says a lot about how long
they're going to be in your life."
●S.Z.// Vodka thoughts #15 (via bl-ossomed)●


Wrestlemania 2015

I sat watching as the twins lost their match against Paige and AJ Lee.

"Guess its up to me to cheer up my beautiful girlfriend" Dean sighed watching the monitor as they were both laid out.

"Oh you gon be like one of those people now?" I briefly narrowed my eyes at him before focusing on the screen again.

"Oh you gon be like one of those people now?" I briefly narrowed my eyes at him before focusing on the screen again

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"What people?" He scoffed noting my annoyance.

"Those people that are crazy out of a relationship and once they're in one they get all lovey dovey by forgetting their significant other has a name." I smirked and he rolled his eyes.

"One. Brie has only been my girlfriend for what? Two weeks now. Two. So I am allowed to say it as many times because I want to remind myself how lucky I am. Just because you ain't getting any action, don't take it out on me brotha!" He pushed me and I fell back a bit while seated on the crate.

"Haha! You know I don't care to get any action, let's not get into that now. Because of you I have my best friend angry at me and.."

I shook my head as of course Dean wanted me to have someone in my bed already when it hadn't even been a year after Galina and I split. Yes she had someone but it wasn't like I exactly had any time to go looking either...

"Hey what the fuck does that make me?" He glared and I chuckled realizing my choice of words.

"So you are saying Brie is what?"

He smiled brightly at the mention of her name, "Brie is my girlfriend so I'm allowed to say she's my best friend. You and Nicole on the other hand.."

I narrowed my eyes at him and he rolled his, knowing to shut up. I knew Dean and the only reason he was getting so hyped up was to distract me from the fact that he was the reason my Fearless one was currently pissed at me.

Never Alone //ROMAN REIGNS | NIKKI BELLA [COMPLETE ✔]Where stories live. Discover now