Chapter 12

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"I can live without you.
But I don't want to.
I don't ever want to."
●Meredith Grey, Grey's Anatomy●



"You like my sister don't you?" Brie smiled knowingly while we sat in the hotel room.

"Don't worry, she's not here. She went down for another work out, you know how she is before a big match." She shrugged waiting for me to respond to her subtle accusation.

I hadn't wanted to question where she was the moment I walked in, despite noticing her absence. The last thing I needed was them thinking I didn't appreciate anyone's company besides my Fearless one. Luckily for me Dean was currently still sleeping of course so it was all up to me to reveal how I truly felt.

"Maybe" I shrugged before sipping my coffee and staring out at the city. I was sure I would be able to be a definite answer as my feelings around Nicole seemed to grow but doing that would make it a fact and once Brie knew I was sure it would be hard for her not to let it slip to Nicole and the last thing I needed was what we had destroyed.

"I figured as soon as John and her decided to call it quits after the Rumble that you would be ready and waiting to swoop in?" She smiled and I shook my head.

"I figured as soon as John and her decided to call it quits after the Rumble that you would be ready and waiting to swoop in?" She smiled and I shook my head

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I wasn't sure what exactly happened but I knew Nicole and even though she had been upset when she came into my room the night after the Rumble. After almost three years together she didn't seem as upset as she should have been. I guess I could relate, when you see it coming it hurts but its a bit of a relief once you realize you're strong enough to let go.

I hadn't expected it though, I knew I had been on her case about certain things regarding him but I knew she loved him so I had learnt to shut my mouth about them. Instead of going against her like Brie and her brother tended to do I stuck by her side and showed my support for their relationship.

Yeah back in December things might have gotten out of hand and things were sort of tense between John and I because of it but after that night I hadn't bothered questioning her on anything. I hated seeing her in pain and knew that without him she wouldn't be happy even though I had lost all respect for him when he chose to bring Galina and Jojo into a stupid argument. I should have suspected something when she was waiting at the gorilla after the disappointed crowd knocked me down after the Rumble, ready to comfort me instead of John who hadn't been victorious that night.

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