Dare 56 (Tomika)

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Hayleys POV

I was running around the school looking for Tomika I saw her at her locker Freddy was hugging her from behind rubbing her stomach she was giggling

H: Tomika you got a dare

I said walking up

T: ugh what is it

H: it's fun

T: ok ok

F: Tomika have you eaten today

T: uh-

F: Tomika

T: I had a banana

Immediately he dragged her away I followed and he went to his locker he opened it and gave her his lunch

T: I can't

F: Tomika you have to eat the baby needs it

She sighed and gave in she ate it

H: AnnabelleSmith721 dares you spill everyone your secrets

I said while she ate the lunch she hummed confused meaning she didn't get it

H: tell us your secrets

T: (food in mouth) dammit

H: ok come on

T: uh-

Z&L&S: hey guys

They said walking up to us

T: hi

H: Tomikas telling us her secrets

S: dare?

T: yeah

Z: ok spill

T: fine I've never had a family for more than a few weeks

F: huh

T: I always do something to screw it up I've been in the foster care system for as long as I can remember my mom had to leave me when I was 11 cause she didn't have enough money to support me, Triple G is my best friend I've known him since I was eight and i never hated clark he's never been my enemy just my friend that's why I never actually did anything to him

H: we have questions

T: oh gotta go

She left she came back and grabbed Freddys lunch she left again causing us to laugh we went after her she had some small secrets that weren't important but we were really wondering about the family and Clark thing she wouldn't tell us

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