Dare (39) Tomika

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(Warning this one is kinda sad)

Tomikas POV
Hayley came up to me she was smirking I knew it already "dare"
T: ok lay it on me
H: you have to everyone all your secrets
T: nah uh
She showed me the dare I groaned and we walked to class
T: I went out with Clark once
S: huh
H: dare she has to say all her secrets
Everyone looked intrigued
I was sobbing my eyes out Louie sat next to me
L: Frankie you can tell me everything
Fr: (voice cracking) how do you love someone
His eyebrows raised
I spit out
T: I didn't know how to love until I was 10
H: ok more sad then intriguing
T: my parents are divorced Ron is my stepdad not my real one
Z: Tomika-
T: I have people after me who want me dead,most of my enemies have access go guns,my old friends abused me and told me i should kill myself, ms.calpakis once fat shamed me,
At this point I had tears streaming down my face
T: my real dad walked out on us when I was 6, Louies the only guy I ever truly loved, asher once tried to rape me, the reason I never want to be alone is cause I'm scared that people from my past will come back and they hate me more than anything they will make my life a living hell, I was forced to sleep outside as a toddler for crying to much, I have so many insecurities I hate my body, my personality and my attitude all the things I used to love about myself I hate and
I said as my voice started cracking
T: I've never opened up to anyone but Louie because he's the only person I ever knew how to love
I wiped my tears
T: and that's everything
Everyone hugged me I hugged back crying

(Sorry this one was so emotional)

(Sorry this one was so emotional)

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This meme is for Anry_Nil

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