Dare 16&17 (Tomika)

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Hayleys POV
We were at Tomikas house she was wearing 👆
H: oh I forgot tomika got a dare
T: ugh
H: you get to wax Freddys leg
T: (eyes widen with excitement)
F: (mouth drops)
She jumped up happy Zack chuckled she ran out and came back in with a waxing kit
T: ok let's do this
F: help me
S: sorry babe
F: (groans)
He sat down Tomika put some wax on his leg and a strip after a minute she smirked
F: is it time
T: yeah I'll count 3-
She ripped it off
F: what the hell
T: 2 1
F: (sarcastically) Zack your so lucky
T: hey
F: I don't regret anything
I got a dare on my phone
H: ooh bad one this time
S: what is it
H: Tomika has to tell the truth for 24 hours
Brother: sorry say that again
T: how long have you been standing there
B: long enough
Dad: what going on
T: don't
B: Tomika has to tell the truth for 24 hours
D: interesting
T: oh god
D: 1 are you a virgin
T&F: we don't really need to answer that
Their eyes filled with hatred Freddy laughed nervously
T; daddy-
D: don't you daddy me
L: right that's probably what she called Freddy
F: dude
L: I'm a bad friend deal with it
T: it was a dare
D: your so slutty you lost your virginity to your stupid bet
H: they did it twice you know
T: do you hate me
H&L: yes
F&T: why me
B: were telling mom
T: so should I tell mom where you actually go Friday nights and dad wouldn't want her to know about your affair with your secretary do you really wanna tell mom
D&B: no ma'm
T: good
They rolled their eyes and left

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