Dare 57 (Zummer)

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Zacks POV

I was at McDonald's with summer she was studying I was eating a burger and fries, Hayley came in she saw us and smiled she walked over

H: hey

She ate a fry

Z: hey

H: it's one fry

Z: your gonna steal them aren't you

H: yup

She grabbed them she tried to leave but she got a text on her phone she put the fries down and checked it

H: ooh dare for Zummer

Z: what is it?

H: jabulanimajozi dares you two be really close

Z: ok

H: uh summer

She didn't stop writing stuff down we tried calling her for five minutes, nothing

H: uh sum what's the answer for the third question on the homework

S: oh that's a pretty easy one it's-

H: you have a dare

S: oh

Z: we have to be really close all day

S: ok close

She slowly reached her hand out with a disgusted look on her face she poked my chest and retracted her hand

S: ew

We laughed she grabbed her things and we left we spent the day together we went out for lunch, went to the carnival and I stayed at her house for the night


I was at summers locker we were talking about yesterday

F: you guys sound like you and a fun time yesterday

Z: yeah we went to the carnival

T: cool

S: Zack even won me a bear on those pin ball machines

T: I got one to but I won it myself cause he couldn't

She said glaring at me I chuckled

S: the cashier thought we were dating

Their smiles turned fake oops she took it to far

Z: it meant nothing

I wrapped my arm around Tomika she stayed still with her arms crossed I kissed her cheek

S: uh oh Freddys jealous

F: shut up

She pecked his lips

Z: wanna go to Taco Bell after school

I said looking at summer

S: sure

T&F: dude

Z&S: dare

I dragged Tomika to class while summer dragged Freddy before they fought us

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