Dare 36 (Summer)

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Hayleys POV
Ooh good dare I went up to summer
H: hey
S: hey
H: you got a dare
S: cool what is it
H: you have yell as loud as you can "I kissed a girl"
S: oh man
She cleared her throat and screamed
The band walked up confused
T: who's the lucky lady
S: dare
T: (chuckles)
F: that was a funny dare
T: I didn't like it
S: why
T: my childhood crush who i thought was straight just yelled she was a lesbian I didn't exactly like it
Z: I'm sorry childhood crush
T: yeah I had a huge crush on you but you were clearly straight so I left you alone
S: I'm not comfortable
T: it was a million years ago sum not that big a deal
Z: wait your-
T: by-sexual I like girls and guys
H: huh
T: ok let's go to class
We left

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