Dare 45 (Sumika)

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Summers POV
I was at my locker with mika she doesn't really talk anymore Zack came up, he kissed her she didn't kiss back tho he held her waist from beside her and I started talking I could tell she wasn't listening Hayley came up
H: boom. Sumika. dare
Me and Zack laughed at her Tomika just stayed silent and looked down
H: you two have to say yes to each other all day
She just leaned her head on Zack's shoulder no skateboard? No horror movie? What the Zack whispered something in her ear she shook her head and walked away
Tomikas POV
He whispered in my ear
Z: (whispers) are you gonna do anything?
I shook my head and walked away I ran into Freddy
F: oh sorry
He helped me up I tried walking away he held me back
F: what's wrong
T: nothing
F: mika come on
T: leave it alone
F: we're gonna have a baby learn to trust me
I have a small bump come people see it some people don't
T: I'm just not happy anymore
F: that's bad
T: fuck off
F: talk to me
F: why not
T: cause I said so
He started dragging me away I yelled at him he ignored me Summer came up
S: Tomika can you tell us about Louie
T: you guys said you'd stop
S: that was if your forgive us
T: I did
Z: you never talk
T: you can't make me cause your uncomfortable with the new me so I won't talk what's the big deal
F: talk to us
T: why should I
S: work this out with us, share your feelings
T: I'm out
Z&S&F: Tomika
T: ok look in my family we don't "share our feelings" we keep them bottled up, fight back our tears, and never show our weakness and if we get mad someone gets shot like literally that's where I got this gun shot wound
I showed them it was near my collarbone
F: oh that's what that was
S: Tomika please
I left I heard someone running after me I was surprised to see Lawrence
L: hey
T: oh hey
L: are you ok
T: (softly) no
He pulled me into a hug

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