Dare 3 (Treddy)

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Zacks POV
We were all at Freddys locker taking when a ding goes off on hayleys phone she checks it
H: ooh dare for treddy
T&F: oh god
H: you two have to make out on principal Mullins desk
I held back a laugh but had this weird feeling meh probably something i ate
F: what is it with her desk
H: I don't know
T: ugh dammit
L: have fun
They groaned and left
Freddys POV
I.hate.this we got in her office she wasn't there
T: let's get this over with
She got on the desk I kissed her that turned into a make out her legs were wrapped around my waist, and her arms wrapped around my neck mine around her waist she played with my hair damn she was a good kisser but I don't like her god no I like summer we were making out for a couple minutes till the doorknob jiggled I quickly lifted her up and set her on her feet principal Mullins walked in
P: oh hello students
F: hi ms Mullins we have a question about taco Tuesdays
T: we were wondering what's in the meat
P: uh well umm don't be late for class
We quickly left and went back
H: so
T: we didn't get caught
S: how
F: asked about the school meat
S: (shrugs)
We went to class

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