Dare 24 (Zummer)

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Hayleys POV
I got a dare for zummer I went up to them
H: ok I'll get right to it you two have to go on a date
S: aw man
Z: I'm not paying
S: like hell you aren't
I shrugged
They left to go on their date
Summers POV
It was fun I just don't like him like that
Z: ok do I walk you home
S: yes bitch
Z: (chuckles)
S: take me to mika's house
We went there she opened it with a guys shirt on
T: oh h-hey guys
She had some hickeys on her neck and the top button of the shirt was unbuttoned revealing another hickey near her breast there were some light hickeys in her thigh Zack was pissed
T: can you go
S: holy shit you have a boy in there
S: ok ok
We left why was she so mad
Tomikas POV
I closed the door Freddy came out we kinda got carried away (a/n treddy will NOT happen sorry Im a complete Zamika fan so this is just like their one night stand for drama)
T: what did we do
F: sex
T: willingly?
F: yeah
T: well my parents are out my brother is out all I have is my baby brother who holy shit where is her
F: umm
I heard giggling I rushed to my room I see him
T: oh thank god
The closet door was open
F: he wasn't in there right
T: p-please say no
Baby brother; (baby voice) what was that thing you guys did
T&F: oh god
I started freaking out he kissed me and I calmed down
B: (baby voice) ewww
T: ok he can't keep secrets
F: it'll be fine
He kissed the top of my head he got dressed and left he had some hickeys just not as much as me
I don't know if I can face summer I went to class with makeup covering the hickeys visible
S: tomix why were you so mad yesterday
T: just wasn't in the mood to talk
S: so you were in the mood to moan
T: (laughs)
S: ok but who was he
T: no one important
S: you dating
T: no
S: slut
T: hey
F: Summer I have something to tell you
S: oh same me and Zack went on a date as a dare
F: I fucked a girl and it wasn't a dare
S: (heartbroken) w-what
F: sum-
S: your lying it's another dare
H: I didn't tell him to do this
T: Freddy who the hell is this bitch
F: I can't say
T: I'm gonna kill you summer grab a bat
S: (crying)
F: sum I'm sorry
S: leave me alone
She ran out I glared at him
F: (mouths) seriously
T: (mouths) die
He rolled his eyes I ran after her I feel like shit

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