Dare 13 (Zamika)

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Hayleys POV
Zamika got a dare ooh it's good I went up to them
T: oh god
H: it's a good one
Z: how
H; you get to prank
H; you two have to prank fremmer
T: and it's on Freddy? Oh this day just got better
Z: what do we do
She pulled out a book it had a bunch of sticky notes out of it it looked a little beat up she went to a random page it was a book of pranks
T: this is my most prized possession so how about umm ooh I know we get them detention then set up hot cheese ruining Freddys hair and summers new blouse oh this is perfect
Z: and scary
T: 🙄
They left
I heard shrieks I run and see fremmer covered in cheese Zamika high fived they glared and they ran out
H: dare complete
F: my hair
S: my clothes
H: shouldn't that be the other way around
F&S: no

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