Dare 4 (Summer)

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Hayles POV
I got a dare for summer I went up to her at her locker
S: I got a dare didn't i
H: yup
S: oh no
H: you have to impress Freddy by skateboarding
S: but I can't skateboard
H: exactly
S: mmm
She left, she went up to tomika and she handed her her skateboard hesitantly summer got on it
He looked at her she rode off
T: 3..2..1
She crashed into a trash can
T: I should've been filming
Freddy rushes over to her and helped her up
F: are you ok
S: yeah
F: why'd you do that
S: dare
F: ok this is getting dangerous
S: can we go to the nurse
They left as god as my witness fremmer will happen

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