Dare 27 (Everyone)

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Hayleys POV
This dares fun I told everyone the dare
T: so summer has to forgive me
S: only if you tell me who she is
T: umm
F: well she kinda has to forgive you
T: (quietly) everyone has to
S: ok who is she
T: uhh umm
F: for the love of god it was her
Everyone; WHAT
H: I never gave you that dare
Freddy scratched the back in his neck she rubbed her arm
H: you did it willingly
T&F: sorta
Z: how could you
T: you have to forgive me so...HA
H: well you have to
Z: ok I forgive you but we're done
T: Zack please just-
Z: just no
F: it's not her fault
S: I hate you
F: I pressured her
Z: really
T: n-
F: yes I did she's just trying to defend me I'm sorry
He left Tomika softened summer hugged her
Tomikas POV
Zack took me back but it's complete bullshit I came onto him, I found him in the recording studio
T: why'd you lie
F: I know how much Zack means to you
T; but you love summer I started having a crush on him two months ago you've liked summer for a year
F: it's fine
T: no no it's not
F: come here
I walked over he pulled me into his lap
F: you like Zack and summer is your bestie if loosing both makes you happy ill give them up
I hugged him
T: but you shouldn't-
F: summer doesn't like me anymore it's useless I love her and I want her back but she hates me
T: everyone in the band will hate you
F: mika-
T: you lost your best friend, only girl you've ever liked and they'll most likely bully you
F: it's fine
T: no it's not-
He kissed my forehead
F: relax I want you and summer to be happy and it's clear she misses you if giving her up and loosing the band will make her happy I'll do whatever it takes
I leaned my head on his shoulder he rubbed my back
T: why do you have be such a good guy your doing everything you can to make me and summer happy
He sighed
Summers POV
We.heard. Everything I can't believe he gave up everyone for me we installed a hidden camera in the recording studio I guess they forgot about it
Z: Thats so sweet
S: I know
L: go to him bitch
S: ok ok
I ran there I see them in the same position Zack dragged her out I hit the back of his head
F: ow fuck
I pointed to the camera his eyes widen
S: thats so sweet
F: you weren't supposed to hear that
I kissed him he was shocked but kissed back

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