Dare (38) (Tomika)

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Credit goes to Anry_Nil he thought of the dare
Hayleys POV
Ooh dare for mika I walked up to her
H: guess what your date is
T: let's get it over with
H: Anry_Nil dates you to write a love letter to whoever Lawrence chooses
T: aw man
Lawrence walked up smiling we told him the dare he smirked evilly
T: who
L: summer
T: what no she's been a little awkward around me since she found out I used to like her
Me and him looked at each other intrigued her eyebrows went up on the last part
H: do you still like her
T; no
Her eyebrows went up
L: so you like zack
T: yes
Her eyebrows did nothing so she liked both of them cool
L; you gotta do it
T: (groans) fine
Summers POV
I opened my locker and a note fell out

Dear summer (no this is not Freddy)
I love you more than anything you make me so happy my world is nothing without you I never wanna leave you if you could live to be a hundred I'd want the same thing minus one day cause one day without it you in my life is hell
I felt my heart flutter and face flush I had the biggest crush on her as a kid as well but then
P.S this is a safe don't want things to get awkward between us
Are you kidding I got my hopes up for nothing I crumped up the note and Donna Ed my locker shut
Hayleys POV
So me and Larry might have been spying on summer

(Ok no sumika doesn't happen
And Treddy doesn't happen)

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