Dare 44 (Zummer)

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Hayleys POV
Everything's shaky with Tomika she doesn't talk to us we never see her at lunch,after school, before school, she's never at her house, or in the halls or in class we never see her I was walking around I go in the roof I see everyone
H: hey
F&Z&S: hey
I sat down
H: dare for zummer
S&Z: what is it
H: you have to kiss
F: hell no
S: you got my best friend pregnant I can do this
F: (annoyed) fine
They leaned in and kissed after a second we heard a gasp we turn and see TOMIKA she ran away oh shit we ran after her but we quickly lost her
F: how is she such a fast runner
?: from all the cops shes outrun
We turn theres no one there huh
H: you guys heard that right
F: yeah
S: weird
?: Zack imma slit your fucking throat why the hell did you kiss summer
Z: umm what is going on
S: I am so confused
We left
Tomikas POV
I ran to the recording studio I slid down the wall and cried I felt someone next to me
L: hey
T: h-hey
L: you ok
I shook my head with tears in my eyes he pulled me into a hug and I cried
L: Frankie their dicks
T: it's just-
L: come on
T: louie I just want to be alone right now I don't want to see you
L: you don't want to see me don't look in the sky cause I'm a star and that's not the cocaine talking
The band walked in
L: summer how was your day? Now that's the cocaine talking
I laughed
La: Tomika were really sorry and if you want you can mess up my codes on my computer
L: is this dude allergic to vaginas
I laughed
Z: what are you laughing at
L: you think their your friends? That's what woody thought till he walked in on bo beep and buz light year when he asked what was going on she said and I quote "you've got a friend in me"
I burst out laughing
F: what's going on
L: I know how to chase him away (clears throat) penis
I laughed again
L: and don't listen to them Zack's arm is stronger than his left
I held back a laugh the band was confused
L: and then he asked the guy if he could do it himself now
I laughed again I wiped my tears
S: what is going on
L; see you later
He left
F: mika answer
I told them what Louie said and started laughing
S: Tomika that is inappropriate and offensive
T: it's funny
S: he- (sighs) nothing anyway it was a dare can you come back
T: as long as you never grill me about Louie again or even bring him up
F: fine
Zack helped me up I felt his arms
Z: don't you dare
I gave him a weak smile
I was on my phone laying down on my bed louie popped in next to me I smiled he kissed me he sometimes does that
L: hey baby girl
T: hey
L: you and your friends make up?
I nodded my head
T: I think their weird tho they have no sense of humor
L: I told you
I chuckled a little and he kissed my cheek I giggled

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