Dare 5 (Zamika)

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Hayles POV
I checked my phone and saw a dare for Zamika I smirked and went up to them
H: guess who got a dare
They pointed at each other I chuckled
H: both of you
T&Z: dammit
H: let's see you have to date for 24 hours kiss,hold hands, a date etc
T&Z: fuck
H: go on
T: (groans) why me
They linked hands and gagged I rolled my eyes they walked to class
S: guys-
T&Z: (coldly) dare
F: (farkle laugh)
T: don't even hair gel
F: ok ok
They sat in their seats
Zack took her on a date yesterday we were all at Freddys locker
H: ok five minutes left
H: you never kissed
T&Z: hello no
H: part of the dare
T: oh god
H: ok make out for five minutes
T: you suck
The band smirked they leaned in and kissed we cheered and they made out while we finished our conversation
H: and time
Z: thank god
She whispered something in his ear he whispered something back I was confused but shook it off
Tomikas POV
I whispered in his ear
T: (whispers) you liked it
Z: (whispers) maybe
We continued to talk with our friends

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