Dare 62 (Sumika)

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Hayleys POV

Things have been a little awkward Tomikas not mad they kissed she's just mad they kept it from her I saw Tomika at her locker I dragged sumner towards her

T: what's going on

H: you two got a dare

T: (groans)

H: you two have to sing all day

T&S: (singing) fuck

Tomikas voice was smooth and angelic but summers was high pitched and off key

S: I gotta learn how to sing

H: yeah you do

I said rubbing my ear Tomika did the same

H: ok we're gonna go to class you two start singing

We left Tomika still talks to us and hasn't told Freddy she's just mad

Tomikas POV

They left I felt a pair of arms wrap around me

T: mm mmh

Z: Tomika

T: hmp

Z: I'm sorry baby

His hands went down to my waist giving it a squeeze I sucked in a breath

Z: I love you

He said as he kissed my cheek I grabbed a marker and wrote on the whiteboard in my locker

I got a dare and I have to sing whatever I talk

He pulled me close

Z: so you don't wanna talk

I looked away from him he turned my head and kissed me I turned around and faced him he kissed me again I cupped his cheeks and kissed back

Z: wanna go to class

I almost said yes but just nodded my head

Z: you don't wanna sing

I shook my head vigorously he chuckled and we walked to class we sat down at our seats and mrfinn starts the lesson


Mrfinn pointed at me

M: Tomika what's the answer to number three

I wrote down the answer and held it up

H: nope no writing

T: (groans)

M: what's going on

S: (singing) dare

F: shit

He said as he covered his ears she rolled her eyes

T: hmp

H: really

I nodded my head I refused to speak the rest of the day and well summer she kinda made everyone deaf but she's our friend so we don't mind

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