Dare 21 (Zack)

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Hayleys POV
I went up to zack he was with Tomika making out at her locker
H: 1. gross
T&Z: 🙄
H: 2. zack you got a dare
Z: (groans)
H: you get to pick Tomikas clothes for a day
Z: (eyes widen)
Z: fuck yeah
T: (whining) Hayley
H: to bad
Z: I could back out but nah
T: I will dump you
Z: ok
T: fine we're done
Z: ok anyway you can wear-
T: Zack
Z: I'm not backing out
T: (groans)
She walked in wearing

She ignored all the lust full stares coming from guys and went to her locker Tomikas POV God this sucks someone hugged me form behind T: Zack if you don't fuck off I swear you won't be able to have kidsZ: than how will we have kids T: I broke up w...

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She ignored all the lust full stares coming from guys and went to her locker
Tomikas POV
God this sucks someone hugged me form behind
T: Zack if you don't fuck off I swear you won't be able to have kids
Z: than how will we have kids
T: I broke up with you
Z: wait you were serious
He said while letting go of me I turned to him and Principal Mullins walked up
P: Tomika, detention
She walked away
T: yeah I'm serious
I left I went to class I got in everyone looked confused
T: dare
S: oh
T: and I broke up with Zack
S: huh
T: I broke up with him
F: why
T: cause I wanted to
I sat down zack came in
Z: your seriously breaking up with me
T: yeah
He went to his seat
We all were talking at the lion
T: my day has been hell
F: my day was pretty good
T: how
F: well since people know I slept with you I've been getting congratulated all day
S&T: are you kidding
?: freddy you lucky son of a bitch
He slapped my ass I gasped Zack got mad he walked away smirking
T: Freddy,Zack
F: I'll get the shovel
Z: I'll get the crowbar
S: let him live
We burst out laughing
F: ok we'll be back in- how long does it take to bury a body
T&S: guys
Z: five minutes got it
We chuckled they left after a few minutes they came back Freddy has some blood on his shirt
T: oh my god 
Z: he's fine
We heard crying in the distance
T&S: guys
F: meh
We rolled our eyes and went home I heard a knock on the door I opened it and saw Zack
T: uh hi
Z: you were kidding right
T: 🙄 no I wasn't zack
Z: it's an outfit
T: I can't tell you how many guys said they'd come to my house and fuck me or forcefully kissed me so no
Z: come on
Z: what can I do
T: nothing
Z: Tomika-
T: look just move on we dated for a month it shouldn't be that hard
Z: I guess
I kissed his cheek
T: I'll see you at school
Z: ok see ya
We smiled and he left I closed the door I kinda felt like crying I really liked him and I forgive him but
1. I have a pride thing
2. He's already over me so it's pointless I know you can't get over someone that quick but we only dated for a month so it shouldn't be hard

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