Dare 60 (Summer)

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Summers POV

I was sitting at the stairs scrolling through Instagram when Hayley facetimes me I pick up

H: hey

S: hey

H: you have a dare

S: ok what is it

H: jabulanimajozi dares you to kiss Zack

S: what! I can't do that

H: yes you can now come on

She hung up I sighed and held in a breath I walked over to Zack

Z: hey summer-

Before he could finish I kissed him he was to shocked to even move I pulled away and wiped my mouth

S: ugh disgusting

Z: what the-

S: dare dipshit

Z: geez ok

S: never tell anyone about that got it?

Z: got it

H: got it

Z&S: gah

We said jumping a little

Z: how long have you been there

H: uh not long

She laughed nervously and left we looked at each other weirdly and went to class

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