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Lizzies POV

I dragged her into Zack's house

T: I'm not forgiving him

L: aww that's cute you think you have a choice

She rolled her eyes I knocked on the door Zack opened it his eyes widened when he saw Tomika

T: she force me here

L: now talk

I pushed her towards Zack she tripped and he caught her she quickly pushed him away

T: no

L: forgive him

I left

Summers POV

I was in my house watching TV on the couch when the front door opened in comes this guy dragging Freddy

S: Freddy-

F: no

?: talk to her

F: I don't want to

?: or we can talk about me and Lizzie

F: sum I think we should talk

He said as he walked over to me and the guy left

A/N I'll update again either tonight or tomorrow

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