Dare 63 (Treddy)

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Tomikas POV

I was at my locker sitting on the floor doodling in my notebook Freddy came over and sat down next to me

F: hey

T: hey what's wrong

F: caught summer and that new guy making out

T: ha ha sure

He showed me a video of them kissing he looked completely heartbroken

T: oh honey

F: yeah

I pulled him into a hug that's when I saw Zack and this girl making out I gasped Freddy got confused and turned around

F: he's dead

I ran away I swear to god if this is a prank or a dare I'm dumping him and ending this bet I couldn't run far I leaned on the lockers and slid down them

F: Tomika come on

T: let me die in a hole

I said in my knees

F: Tomika-

T: if this is a dare I'm stealing your wallet and paying off that bet money oh and summers and Zacks

F: it's not

He said disappointed

T: I don't want to do this anymore

F: yeah

T: our partners cheated

F: worst day ever

T: I wanna go somewhere else

F: where

T: Malibu!

F: no no no

T: yes yes yes

F: no-

T: Dylan's there

F: let's go to Malibu

T: I don't like this weight

F: I thought you couldn't see it

He said pinching his stomach

T: I meant me you idiot

F: sorry

T: I wanna loose it

F: no it's barely noticeable

T: (groans)

F: to bad

He helped me up and we left


We got out of the Uber we took to get here

T: thanks egor

?: mg names Kevin

T: sorry Egor

He rolled his eyes and left

T: I'm going to Lizzies house

F: I'm going to Eric's

We went separate ways I went over to Lizzys house and knocked on the door

L: for the last time bitch I don't want cookies

I heard inside the house I tried not to laugh she opened the door she saw me her eyes widened

T: hi

She immediately hugged me I smiled

T: hey Liz

L: hey why are you here

T: can't I visit my best friend-

L: cut the Shit

T: my boyfriend cheated

L: oh honey

She pulled me into a hug


My phone has been blowing up Zack keeps saying it was the heat of the moment and he didn't mean it but I don't care at this point

L: I know how to get you over Zack

T: how

L: blind date

T: lizzie I've put on some weight

L: oh my god stop I can't even see it

T: your not letting me out of this are you

L: nope

I rolled my eyes playfully


Lizzie got me all dressed up it was kinda fun me and her were walking to the restaurant

L: ok your dates inside, his table is the one with the bread bowl already gone cause he ate it

T: that's my kind of guy

L: (chuckles)

I went inside there was only one table like that I couldn't see the boys face I smiled and walked over

T: oh you have got to be kidding me

?: Tomika?

T: (sighs) hi chote

C: what are you doing here

T: blind date

C&T: dammit

T: well I'm staying and your paying I want free dinner

I said sitting down

C: no

T: Chote I'm hungry and you don't want to see me when I'm hungry

C: ok ok

We ordered some food and talked it got my mind off of Zack it was nice


Lizzies POV

I was going through Tomikas phone (don't judge) I noticed all her texts with Zack maybe he really is sorry and shit I set her up on a date I called eric

L&E: I made a mistake and I have to get Tomika/Freddy back to Texas

We said at the same time

E&L: you do that

I hung up and ran to her house I go in it was quiet I run upstairs

L: Tomika

I heard her groan after a few minutes she opened the door of her room

T: why are you up so early

L: where's chote

T: his house?

L: a-are you guys dating

T: you realize he has a girlfriend right

L: he-wait what

T: I'm going back to sleep

Wow I did this for nothing I grabbed her and dragged her out

T: Lizzie what the hell

L: come on

I dragged her to my car and we went to Texas

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