Dare 6 (Freddy)

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Freddys POV
Hayley came up to me
F: dare?
H: yup
F: ok lay it ok me
H; you have to ask out summer
H; your excited
F: what no I'm not
H: she's behind you
S: hi
F: gah
H: Freddy has to ask you something
F: uh summer will you go out with me
Her eyes widen with excitement
H: ok you two have had a crush on each other since forever why hasn't this happened earlier
F&S: shut up
They smiled at each other
They walked in holding hands
T: whats this
S: guess who got a boyfriend
F: seriously
T: congratulations Fred you finally found a girl psychotic enough to date you
H: hey Fred's my nickname for him
T: mine
H: you bitch
T: whore
H: slut
T: hoe
H: Unwanted
T: unloved
S: guys it's just a nickname
T: I called him that when I was five so shut up
H: (mumbles curse words)
F: (chuckles)

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