Dare 22 (Summer)

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Hayleys POV
I got a dare for summer she's gonna hate it
H: hey
S: hey
H: you got a dare
S: ok what is it
H: you have to break up with Freddy and show up with Asher as your new boyfriend five minutes later
S: WHAT I can't do that
H: sorry
She sighed she walked over to Asher he nodded his head she handed him five bucks I'm guessing she's paying him she went over to freddy after a minute he looked heartbroken she walked away he went to class hurt aw man I feel bad I went to class after a few minutes summer came in holding hands with Asher Freddy clenched his fist
S: guys this is my boyfriend Asher
T: this shit just got real
F: what the fuck
Z: ha
S: it's a dare dumbass
F: oh thank god
A: she payed me
He left she walked up and kissed Freddy we Awwwwed they blushed

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