Dare 23 (Treddy)

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Hayleys POV
I got a notification on my phone I opened it and saw that it was a dare I read it
Treddy: hey
H: dare
T: what is it
H: you have to get detention and make out the entire time your there
F: ok
H; your not weirded out
T: we've had sex in principal Mullins office this is a piece of cake
P: I'm sorry what
T: principal Mullins what a lovely surprise
P: did you just say you had sex in my office
F: you clearly misheard her she-
She walked away
T&F: shit
H: ha
They left
They walked in the classroom for what I'm guessing is what is detention
Tomikas POV
We walked in some kids were there
?: what you in for
Principal Mullins walked in
P: I watched the security footage
F: what she's about to say next
P: you had sex in my office
Kids: ooh
T: it was a dare
P: who looses their virginity to a dare
F: we can't afford to lose this bet so we had to
P: you kids are insane
She left we sat down
Teacher; ok well I'm going and principal Mullins said everyone could go
Us: really
Teacher: except Tomika and Freddy
T&F: fuck
They left we sat there awkwardly
T: ok so..
F: let's just do it
We got up he lifted me on the desk (not the teachers) and we kissed it turned into a make out, my legs were wrapped around his waist I played with his hair tugging at it it got a little heated his lips went down to my neck then chest I moaned he went back to my neck sucking it leaving a hickey i bit my lip and kissed him thus another make out after an hour the door jiggled I immediately pushed him away and hopped down and the teacher came in
Teacher: alright out
We nodded our heads and left we smiled and high fived
T: what was that thing in the beginning
F: (shrugs) guess I got carried away
I shrugged and we went home

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