Dare 35 (Summer and tomika)

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Hayleys POV
I got a dare for summer and I guess tomika to I went up to them and told them
S: I can't sing
T: were gonna get no gigs
H: (shrugs)
They groaned and walked to class
M: ok let's rock
S: ok
She went towards the microphone
Z: uh summer-
T&S: fuck off zack it's a dare
Z: ok
We started playing we sounded awful
M: ok ok you can't do this dare
T: I'm not paying the money
S: lip sing
T: yes
H: no
T&S: dammit
H: sorry
They complained we rolled our eyes
summer handed Tomika her bass Tomika handed her her tambourine they shook hands and giggled
T: I'm back baby
F: thank god
S: I sucked didn't it
Class: yes
She chuckled and we played

It was so much fun

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