Dare 50 (Summer)

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Summers POV

I was walking around the hall I see the band smirking at my locker I walk up confused

S; oh god what is it

H: foob_cat dares you to let us go through your phone for 10 minutes

S: what that's not the dare

They showed me the dare

S: that doesn't say me

Z: but we chose you

S: ugh

I handed them my phone they went through my messages, photos, and Instagram

S: how long has it been now

F: 15 minutes

I grabbed my phone immediately

S: why didn't you tell me

T: you didn't have your phone you had no track of time

I rolled my eyes at them and we all left


I was walking around I see in the classroom Tomika and Freddy he's rubbing her stomach I feel like crying I hate these dares Tomika looked up at him with some hair behind her ear, she said something I couldn't understand he kissed her forehead and said something I left

Tomikas POV

I looked up at Freddy with a strand of hair behind my ear

T: Freddy I'm scared

I said getting worried he kissed my forehead

F: why?

He said against my forehead and pulled his lips away from my skin

T: a lot of things can go wrong with pregnancy I can suffer depression o-or die during labor or the babies might not make it or-

F: don't worry no matter what I'll be there to support you and make sure your happy

I smiled and hugged him he hugged back and I dug my head in his chest he rubbed my back as I cried

T: thanks

F; for what

T: for being here

F: no problem

I kissed his cheek

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