Dare 54 (Zummer)

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Zack's POV

I was with Summer, she was blabbing about what she was studying and all her good grades when Hayleys walks up

H: you two got a dare

S: ooh what is it

H: jabulanimajozi dares you two to tell everyone your exes

Z: no

H: yes

S: ugh

Z; fine

We left we went to class we go in and sit down in our seats tomika smiled and sat in my lap I kissed her cheek

S: you know it's weird to see you with my ex

T: huh

F: what

S: you guys didn't know?

Z: me and summer used to date

F&T: what the fuck

S: guys-

F: I don't care

Z: I'm sorry what

T: we're not mad

S: really

T: no bitch are you dumb of course we're mad why didn't you tell us

Z: maybe cause we just found out this morning

F&T: huh

H: dare

F&T; oh fuck you guys

Z: sorry

Tomika glared at me I smiled weakly she rolled her eyes and crossed her arms i chuckled

Freddys POV

I glared at summer

S: (nervous laugh)

F: really?

She walked up and kissed me

F: hmm

S: shut up and kiss me

We kissed

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