Dare 25 (Tomika)

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Hayleys POV
I got a dare for Tomika I went to the class
H: guess who got a dare
S: who
She had tear stains on her face still sad about the break up I glared at freddy
F: give me a break
H: anyway Tomika has to tell the truth all day
T: shit
Z: this just got good
T: ok but can you use this to your advantage in private
S: fine only cause Imma embarrass the crap out of you
T: ugh
Tomikas POV
I was at my locker when zack came up
Z: can we talk
I nodded my head we went to the recording studio
Z: do you still like me
T: fuck you
Z: answer
T: (mumbles) yes
Z: really that's interesting
T: hmm
He kissed me it felt like everything I kissed back wrapping my arms around his neck he pulled me closer with his arms around my waist he licked my bottom lip begging for entrance I moaned against his mouth
Z: wow you really missed me
T: shut up and kiss me
I smashed my lips on his and we made out
Hayleys POV
We were in the classroom Zacks arm was around Tomikas waist
H: 1 more minute and your truth day is done
T: thank god
S: I have to ask
T: what is it
S: do you know who slept with Freddy
T: why would you even ask that
S: you didn't say no
T: sum-
S: do you
T: .......yes
We gasped
F: Tomika I swear to god if you-
S: stay out of this who is she
T: she-
The timer went off
F: oh thank the fucking gods
S: until you tell me we're not friends
T: sum come on
T: I can't tell you
S; is it that blonde in Spanish class
F&T: no
T; sum I'm sorry
She walked out

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