Dare 43 (Tomika)

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Kinda face reveal 👆 (don't judge me I can't change how I look)
Freddys POV
Me and Summer were making out at my locker when Hayley came up to us smirking
H: fremmer got a dare
S: oh no
H: you two have to prank Tomika
F&S: oh shit
S: she'll kill us
H; you have to
F: Hayley she's a prank god she'll never fall for it
H: good luck
I left how bad can it be and she'll fall for it
She walked to her locker she opened it and immediately ducked confetti shot out she grabbed her books and closed the locker she left with a blank look on her face the entire time
H: damn
S: see
H: again
They groaned
She exited the classroom she stepped back and a bucket of cheese spilled on the floor she jumped over it and went to the lunchroom
H: what the
F: she's amazing
We followed her
H: I have to know how do you dodge the pranks, and know how to get to everyone
T: me and Louie were partners in crime we pranked people all the time and I learned new skills
Z: who's Louie
She froze blushing as red as a tomato zack started getting mad
T: I don't know, I've never heard that name in my life, LEAVE IT ALONE
She ran away
We all were at the mall
S: here's a smoothie
T: thanks
She took a sip
T: mmm
S: huh
Summer took a drink of hers and spit it out
S: eww
T: I knew you put something in mine so I switched them
F: how
T: ok I got someone to switch them
S: how did we not see them
T: uh-well-you see-I-uhh
Z: babe what's wrong
T: nothing leave it alone
We bombarded her with questions
Tomikas POV
I didn't know how to answer
T: uh-well-you see-I-uhh
Louie was next to me smirking at my struggling
L: dude your bombing
Z: babe what's wrong
T: nothing leave it alone
They attacked me with questions
L: ok this if fun to watch
T: god you are so annoying I wish I never met you
S: oh
T: oh guys I mean-
Z: no we'll go
They walked away sad I turned to louie he was mad
L: hey what the fuck I just helped you dodge so many pranks this morning what the hell
I took out my phone and pretended to be on a call
T: Louie I am so sorry
L: no what the hell do you seriously wish you never met me
T: I didn't mean it I'm sorry I-
L: no I'm gone
T: Louie please I love you, I love you more than anything more than my mom, my dad,Zack, even more than my own kids I'm sorry I'll do anything to make it up to you
L: anything?
T: yeah
L: stop talking to your friends
T: cut off contact with my friends?
He nodded his head without hesitation I said
T: of course I'll switch classes, dump Zack, even move back to New Orleans to get closer to you but will you forgive me
I said hopefully he smiled
L: yeah
I sighed in relief
L: you don't have to do that stuff I just wanted to know if you'd be willing to
T: of course I would be, I love you to the moon and back
L&T: always and forever
I smiled he kissed my cheek I blushed biting my lip and he left I put away my phone
Summers POV
We quickly turned around and went back she was on a call
T: Louie I am so sorry.....I didn't mean it I'm sorry I-.....Louie please I love you, I love you more than anything more than my mom, my dad,Zack, even more than my own kids I'm sorry I'll do anything to make it up to you
Is she serious, Zack did not look pleased
T: yeah....cut off contact with my friends?
What she won't do that, but without a second thought she said
T: of course I'll switch classes, dump Zack, even move back to New Orleans to get closer to you but will you forgive me
She said hopefully wait is she serious Zack looked mad, she sighed in relief
T: of course I would be, I love you to the moon and back always and forever
She smiled we rolled our eyes she started blushing biting her lip and she hung up. She put it in her back pocket we left annoyed she saw us and ran up to us
T: hey guys sorry about earlier just voice in my head, anyway how about we all-
Z: who's Louie
T: huh
F: who.is.Louie
T: my friend
Z: seems like more than that
T: he's not
S: really? Cause from what we just heard you were willing to give up everything for him
She didn't flinch, move,or freeze up she didn't even react just said
T: ok and?
Z: unbelievable
T: if you can't get it that I love him than we shouldn't be friends ok he means more to me than anything and you guys leaving me won't prove a point I don't like you guys any less or any more, Louies like my fucking brother and he's my world so make your decision leave me or stay I don't care either way
S: we need some time to think
T: fine but keep in mind Freddys my baby daddy, you and me have been friends since we were nine, and Zack your my fucking boyfriend and we've been through everything together if we don't have trust than we have nothing
She started walking away
H: wait we forgive you
She turned around she didn't look relieved but annoyed
T: what in the actual fuck are you talking about
H: we forgive you
T: for what? Loving someone, is that a crime? Do I give two shits if your "forgive me" even though I've done nothing wrong
Z: we-
T: I'm gone
She left well this dare was definitely something

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