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Tomikas POV

I was in my room eating breakfast when...

T: mommmmm

M: yeah honey

T: what does it mean when someone's water breaks

M: oh shit


(I'm not adding the birth that's to much and I don't feel like it)

The doctors handed me the baby's

S: aww what's their names

F: Austin

T: and Morgan

Z: that's so cute

T: yeah...and none of you guys can hold these baby's their mine

F: what about me

T: I'm sorry who went through nine months of hell and 3 hours of torture; me

F: Tomika

T: you get one minute

He rolled his eyes and picked up Morgan I whimpered not being able to hold her

F: just give me a minute

I stuck my tongue out at him

H: ok so-

F: the bets off

S: what

T: guys there are kids in our lives we can't keep doing this bet

H: true

T: so...

Z: we'll all stop the bet

F&T: yay

The baby's started blinking we awwed

Nobody's POV

Zamika and Fremmer believe it or not Hayley ended up with Louie (or Triple G)

Fremmer had their own kids and so did Zamika but the twins are still both of theirs

(I named the kids Austin and Morgan cause i have friends who are siblings and that's their names)

The end

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