Dare 7 (Treddy)

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Tomikas POV
I was in the classroom with Freddy we were planning on going to the skatepark after school when Hayley comes in she looks like she feels bad
F: what's wrong
H: dare
T: your usually happy and laugh at us
H: well you see (sighs) you two have to have sex
Oh hell no
T: n-no I'm not giving my virginity to my best friends boyfriend I-I-
H: sorry guys but here
She handed Freddy some keys
H: to a summer house my family has you know so you won't be interrupted also sorry but you have to kiss and enjoy it
She left we sat there shocked
F: we have to-
T: don't say it
F: come on let's just get it over with
We left and walked there, on the walk there we decided to not tell anyone we got in the house and went to a random room
T: w-were not actually doing this right
F: the dare
T: I know but-
F: mika we have to
I groaned
T: make this quick
We sighed and hugged
F: well after today we're no longer virgins
T: yup
We pulled away I started unbuttoning his shirt I stopped after the second button
T: I can't do it I don't want to and I can't
F: mika...we have to
I sighed silently and took off my skirt then shirt leaving me in my bra and underwear
F: I guess this is really happening
T: yeah
F: don't talk
T: just fuck me
We smashed our lips together and laid down on the bed he rubbed my thigh as we made out his hand getting higher and higher till-
T: (gasps)
He used this moment and slipped his tongue in god I hate this dare
We both lay there breathing heavily the room was silent no moans,no groans, and no "faster" and "baby don't stop"
T: I can't believe we just did that
F: I know
T: let's just go back to school
We got up I felt so violated, we got dressed and left not making eye contact and not talking on the walk back ashamed of what we did I can't believe that stupid dare now he can say he did all those things to me he touched me he ruined my innocence I hate that dare, but (sighs) I have to say in all honesty i do feel great dare or not he knew how to get me moaning, but I hated the fact that it was him, I hate it we got into school
Z: where were you guys
T: just walking around
They shrugged we sat down Hayley passed me a note
H- You good

T- Burn in hell

H- How you feel

T- Disgusted and ashamed

H- Come on

T- You weren't there YOU still have your virginity

H- it's not that bad

T- Please don't

H- I have to ask did you go down on him
I wanted to cry
T- I'm not comfortable with answering that

H: Oh honey
I ripped up the note and threw it away she mouthed sorry
Summer came up to me
S: you looked sad in class earlier
T: it's nothing
S: you sure
T: yeah I'm sure
She smiled and left I sighed and leaning my back against the lockers why me why that dare Freddy walked by I avoided eye contact kinda hard to look at him without remembering what happened

I was in the recording studio Freddy walked in we tensed up images ran through my mind I swear I could hear me moaning his name, and him doing things to me
I moaned loudly
T: (moans) Freddy
I moaned his name as I cum all over the bed
T: faster
He went harder and faster his thrust soon became sloppy
F: uhh I have to go
T: please do
He left I sighed in relief what do I do

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