Dare 37 (Zack)

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Hayleys POV
I got a dare for Zack eh it's fine he's not strong I went up to zack
H: hey
Z: hey
H: guess who got a dare
Z: you?
He said hopefully
H: nope
I said popping the P he groaned
H: you have to punch Freddy in the face
He shrugged everyone came up
Z: I got a dare
F: what is it
Z: I have to punch you in the face
T: not a big deal your not that strong
F: yeah
He shrugged and punched him in the face knocking him to the ground his nose started bleeding
F. Shit I think you broke my nose
He touched it and winced Zack shrugged and left
S: I'm scared
T: im turned on
Tomika caught up with Zack and wrapped her arm around his and walked with him not ever stopping she leaned her head against his shoulder and he smiled
We were at the doctors office Freddy had some bandages on his nose turns out Zack really did break it
Z: sorry bro it was a dare
F: when did you get strong
Z: im not 12 anymore you know that right
Tomika kissed his cheek
F: and why are you encouraging this
T: cause I can
F: seriously
T: I'm attracted to it what can I say
S: so you like him more now that he's strong
T: yup
H: I'm scared not attracted
T: (clears throat) strong,rich,caring,sweet, sensitive,good at business, once took me on a picnic by the sunset
Me and summer looked at each other
S&H: I understand your logic now
We laughed freddy glared
Z: come on
F: my nose is broken
Tomika kissed Zack's and Freddys cheek summer looked a little uncomfortable huh wonder why

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