Dare 49 (Zamika)

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Hayleys POV

I was showing Zamika their dare Tomika cringed

T: ugh that's so lovey dovie

She shuddered

H: deal with it

She groaned Zack rolled his eyes and kissed her they linked hands and walked away they went to class Zack sat in his seat Tomika sat in his lap

F: guys-

T: dare so fuck off

S: geez why are you so mad

T: hm

H: she doesn't like the dare

Z: apparently it's to lovey dovie

T: it is

We rolled our eyes


I saw them making out at her locker the bell rang and we all went to lunch we sat down at the table

H: Tomika the dare

T: during lunch

She said whining

H: yup

She groaned

Z: (sarcastically) as you can see were in love

We laughed Tomika crossed her arms he pulled her into his lap she rolled her eyes and he fed her a piece of food she ate it still mad he rolled his eyes playfully


I went over to Tomikas house I know her parents are at the super market and her brothers are with their friends so I was wondering if we could hang out i open the door to her house and after a few seconds I hear

T: (moans) oh god yes

I smirked I guess their taking the "making out thing" farther I went home and texted the band about what I heard

This chapter is dedicated to Luvmylipgloss719 (cause you wanted more Zamika) 👍

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