Dare 47 (Zack)

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Zack's POV

I was in the recording studio with tomika making out on the couch

H: Zack

Hayley popped out from behind the couch we screamed and fell to the ground

H: you have a dare

T: Jesus Hayley

H: read it

She waved the phone in my face and I read it and smirked

T: ooh

I chuckled a little Hayley left Tomika kissed my cheek and I got up, i helped her up and kissed her and we left


I walked up to Freddys and messed up his hair


Z: dare

He groaned and opened his locker for emergency hair gel

F: where is it

Z: also dare

He turned around and tried fixing his hair in his locker mirror

Z: oh one more thing

F: what?

I tied his hands together

F: untie me

Z: no can do it has to be like this for a week

He growled

Nobody's POV

Throughout the week Freddy had to keep his hands tied together everyone was in the classroom Tomika was on Zack's lap

T: Fred you good

F: is the time almost up?

He said impatient

H: times up

F: thank god

Z: we don't have to untie you

F: i swear to fucking god-

The girls giggled and summer untied him his wrist were red Tomika walked up she sat next to him and kissed his cheek

T: 6 more months

He smiled Zack and Summer looked at each other sad about their kid

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