Dare 64 (Zack)

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Hayleys POV

I was at my locker with Zamika, Zack had his arm around her she looked uncomfortable they're relationship has never been worse, he started rubbing her arm he whispered something in her ear

T: I'm fine

Guess he asked her if she was ok he didn't believe her but shrugged it off

H: oh right before I forget zack you got a dare

Z: what is it

H: you have to slap Freddy for two weeks

Z: have to or get to

We laughed Tomika didn't

T: I'm gonna go bathroom

She moved her shoulder getting Zack's arm off her and walked away Zack sighed

Z: I really messed up didn't I

H: yeah

Z: I wasn't thinking

H: that doesn't make it ok she's your girlfriend you don't kiss a girl when your dating someone

Z: I know I fucked up

H: big time

I saw Freddy walking towards us

H: here's something to make you feel better

Freddy walked up

F: hey guys

Zack slapped him

Z: hey I do feel better

H: right

F: dude what the hell

Z: dare

F: ugh

Z: I get to slap you for two weeks

F: what!!

H: (stifled laugh)

F: (groans)


Everyday for a week Zack has slapped Freddy once or twice a day it was funny we were all currently in the classroom Freddy had a red cheek and was sitting next to summer, Tomika was sitting in Zack's lap while he kissed her neck she didn't seem that affected by it in fact both couples have been really rocky

T: Zack I'm not in the mood

He stopped and rested his head in her shoulder

F: and two weeks is up

Z: dammit time flies

S: I'm gonna miss this red cheek

She said as she poked his cheek he winced a little

T: how hard did you slap him

Z: really hard

F: really hard

T&S: oh-Kay

They emphasized the "O"

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