Dare 46 (Freddy)

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Hayleys POV
I was talking with summer my phone went off with notifications I checked and smirked Freddy and Zack walked up
F: hey
I showed him the dare
F: that's a death wish I'll never complete that dare
S: yeah and she's not in the best mood lately
She walked in laughing with Lawrence
T: no ok so there was this one time when I went to This prep school and when Louie said goodbye he just let one rip
They laughed
T: I'm pretty sure a girl passed out
L: (laughs)
S: uh Tomika
T: oh hey
F: what's going on
L: we're talking
T: but we have like major hangovers
L: well yeah we got in my parents liquor
T: also you guys are yelling so shut up
S: I'm confused
T: why
Z: babe are you ok
T: I'm fine-MORE BOOZE
Z: no
T: ugh fine
She kissed Zack we were just shocked
T: what?
Z: what the hell
T: I'm kissing my boyfriend what's the problem
Z: but-
T: come on
She kissed him again and dragged him to class throughout the day Freddy tried to prank her he completely failed
F: this is impossible
T: give up
Tomika said behind us
F: gah
S: where did you come from
T: (shrugs) anywhere ooh narnia
F: dude stop
T: fine god
She left
F: ok I give up I tried and failed I still tried meaning I don't have to pay
H: true
We left
Tomikas POV
Me and Zack were at my house in my bed watching a movie ok so we were naked under the blankets we may or may have not just did.... "it" don't judge me, I kissed his cheek and dug my head in the crook of his neck and started giving him a hickey
Z: round 2?
I nodded my head and kissed him barely containing my smile

#Zamika ⬇️

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(Also the guys were kidding tomika didn't drink she's pregnant)

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