Dare 65 (Lawrence)

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Hayleys POV

I was with Lawrence and Tomika telling them their dare

T: who suggested it

H: uh AnnabelleSmith721

T: alright Lawbear what now

L: we....hold hands?

T: ok

They linked hands and walked away

Tomikas POV

We go in I walk over to Zack and sit in his lap he kissed my cheek I had him be my servant for a week so I forgive him now

L: dare

T: oh right

I got up and kissed him

Z: what the hell

T: dare

Z: don't care

I rolled my eyes and kissed his cheek


The dare was almost up

H: ok two more minutes

T: no Larry's such a good boyfriend

Z: really

T: yes really he opened the door for me, bought my meal, got me flowered while we were walking around and took me to a field to look at the stars

S: why couldn't I get this dare

F: summer

S: that sounds fucking amazing

T: he even carried me home

S: ok fuck you Freddy I'm leaving you for Lawrence

L: Esme?

S: good news Freddy I'm back

F: are you kidding me

H: times up

T: goddammit

Lawrence chuckled while Freddy and Zack rolled their eyes I step towards Zack he wraps an arm around me I mumbled curse words

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