Dare 48 (Fremmer)

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Hayleys POV

I was with summer

H: oh umm earlier I got a dare for you and Freddy

S: oh what is it

H: I'll tell you with Freddy and-wait where is he

S: I don't know

We started walking around school we found him in the roof with Tomika she was laughing at something he said

T: ok today's Friday so tonight horror movie marathon, I say we grab popcorn, wrap ourselves in blankets and become the definition of laziness

We tried not to laugh

F: I can't I have a date planned with summer

T: ugh you suck

F: I'll come over after I'm taking her on a picnic

Summer smiled

T: we are gonna be one with the couch

S: (laughs) hey guys

T&F: oh shit you scared me

F: did you hear-

S: yes and their better be cake

He rolled his eyes

H: fremmer got a dare

T: I'm out

She left, she has a bump on her stomach it's so cute

F: ok what's the dare

H: you two have to....

I trailed off as I took out my phone and double checked

H: have to make out every time you see each other

F: I'm not complaining

S: 🙄 for how long

H: a day

S&F: ok

We all went to class throughout the day they made out whenever they saw each other, after school summer told me about their date when we called Tomika she didn't answer I guess she's buried in her blankets

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