Dare 68&69 (Treddy)

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Hayleys POV

I was hanging out with the band when I remembered treddy got a dare

H: oh before I forget you guys got a dare

I said looking at Treddy

T&F: what is it

H: you have to spend the day in Tomikas room

F: that's not so bad

I got a text

H: oh new dare and it says "I dare treddy to not talk to the band all day or use their phones"

T&F: oh fuck no

H: sorry

I walked away I heard them whining to Zack and summer but I kinda ignored it


We were at Tomikas house they didn't talk to the band today or go on their phones they said and I quote "this is my living hell" they go up to the room and we closed the door


We open the door to the room Tomikas sleeping in the bed Freddy was reading a book on the floor

S: (gasps) he's reading

F: ha ha

H: times up motherfuckers

T&F: finally

We left

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