Tendou II

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Hinata's wings spread open as his sunset eyes fixed on the demon who just stepped out from behind the tree.

The demon looked back, observing the being in front of him as his own eyes scan the angel.

Just an hour ago, Hinata was told that he was put into a forced break because he served the ruler of the heavens 24/7 and has had no time to rest.

Although Seraphims don't tire and have infinite strength, Hinata's mother had shooed the boy away back down to earth to relax and Hinata found himself in the forests, mindlessly wondering it's lush green paths.

Although there were signs that a demon lived there, Hinata obliviously didn't see them as he instead used his power to heal the occasional dead soil patches and filled them with plants.

Then coming across a doe with her injured baby, Hinata gently sat down and held open his arms. The baby deer wobbled forwards and Hinata lay the creature on his lap as he slowly healed it's injuries.

Except as he did, he felt a pair of eyes bore into him and he called out to no one in particular.

"Come out, I know you're there."

The truth was he didn't know that someone was actually there so when the demonic creature stepped out of the shadows, they locked eyes which lead to a momentary staring contest that seemed to last forever.

The demon with bright red upstanding hair was the first to break eye contact as Hinata finished healing the deer.

He watched as the angel turned to the creature to make sure it was completely heed before it wobbled to the doe.

With wings spread, sunset eyes traced tanned, long limbs and sharp features as rimstone pupils stared back, tracing soft features and light pale skin.

There was silence and the tension was thick but the demon was the one who broke it first.

"What are you doing in my territory?" he asked and Hinata smiled.

"I was forced to take a break from work so I decided to come here because I was bored!"

The voice sung like sweet music in the demon's ear as he looked confusingly at the angel, his head tilting to the side at a freaky angle.

"Aren't you scared of being faced by a demon?"

Hinata was confused at the question and shook his head before asking why he would have any reason to be scared.

Read eyes tried to find lies in the sunset ones but was taken aback as only a pair of clear ones stared back.

The demon just chuckled to himself before slowly approaching and Hinata didn’t even bat an eyelid as he sat down right next to him.

"So what's your name angel?"

His voice was now filled with curiosity as if he found a new you but Hinata was just as curious back.

"I'm Hinata! What's yours?"

The black whisps around the demon was dancing around happily as he answered and after introducing himself as Tendou, the two started to talk about each other.

Hinata was a little shaken when he found out that Tendou's kill count was so high that he lost count but the angel shook it off.

"Why do you kill?" he asked and Tendou shrugged.

"No idea really. For fun? For entertainment? As a job because most of the ones I kill are the damned? It gets more lost souls out for will o' wisps to find and bring to me to eat? I dunno little angel, I guess I'm still searching for my reason."

They kept talking as Tendou questioned Hinata about what work was about and Hinata explained that since he was a seraphim, his job was actually very spread out.

The simple ones such as watching the different dimensions through his all seeing eyes to try and find any potentially pure souls that would become higher status angels and harder tasks which were his favorite.

"The main task which is my favorite is to look after the eternal flame that's in the paradise altar. I like the way its so warm and makes me feel fluffy am calm! It's so full of life and it shines like nothing else! Oh! The humans called it... A sun?"

Tendou was intregued at the description before raising an arm to ruffle Hinata's hair.

"So your job is to look after yourself is it, sunshine?"

Hinata blushed at the words before shaking his head.

"What? Me? I know my hair is orange but I'm not the eternal flame!"

Tendou only grinned as he gently pulled the angel onto his lap as he traced an hand along Hinata's arm.

"We'll let's see, the eternal flame is your little paradise and it makes you feel warm, fluffy and calm? So full of life and shining Like nothing else you've ever seen?"

Hinata nodded shyly as Tendou hugged the seraphim in his arms.

"Well I guess you're now my paradise."

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