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"Hinata!!!" a certain excited boyfriend shrieked as he saw a fluff of ginger hair in the distance.

"Bokuto!!!" Hinata yelled back, hyping the excitement and running towards his lover who he hadn't seen in three days.

"Hey hey hey!!!!" Bokuto hollered as Hinata and him jumped in sync with both arms and legs outstretched in the air.

"Hey hey hey!!!!" Hinata responded as he jumped again and landed in his boyfriend's arms and Bokuto's strong arms wrapped around his thin but toned waist and the two kissed each other tenderly, heavily breathing from both excitement and the sudden adrenaline rush.

"Oh my gosh can someone shut this idiotic couple up? They're so loud!!!" a sarcastic voice sassed from the side and the two lovebirds (see the pun?) broke their kiss with a smile before facing the salty blonde.

"None of you're business Saltyshima!" Hinata said sticking his tongue out and Bokuto laughed along.

"Yeah Tsukki-poo!! You can go kiss your boyfriend and let me kiss mine!"

Hinata blushed and gave a peck on Bokuto's cheek and Tsukishima sighed.

"Shut up both of you and take your love somewhere else." he grumbled before walking off.

"Hmmph...." Hinata huffed as Bokuto lifted him higher and twisted him around before sitting Hinata on his shoulders.

With both legs held firmly by Bokuto's large hands, Hinata's hands were in the air as he cheered.

"LET'S GOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

They ran around shrieking before Bokuto makes a bolt down the street and Hinata cheered at the top of his lungs along with him and the chaotic boyfriends dashed down the road.

"Wait! You'll get lost!" a voice in the distance called but the idiotic couple kept running, unable to hear the concern over their happy calls.

"They can't hear you Akaashi." Tsukishima siged and Yamaguchi who had just joined them nodded too.

"I can tell..." sighed the Fukurodani's mom and he watched the two hooting birds disappear around a corner and he pulled out his phone.

"I'll just wait."

"WOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!" Hinata cheered as he ducked another tree and jolted around dangerously, having the time of his life.

"WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Bokuto responded before skidding to a halt, they had been running constantly for about ten minutes and with their excitement and spinning along the way, he was breathless and tired.

"Wait...."Hinata started as he looked around. "where are we?"

The lost birds looked around in confusion before Bokuto took out his phone.

"Let's call Akaashi!"

Less than one ring after he clicked call, Akaashi picked up as Bokuto yelled, "We're lost!!!"

"Ugggghhh finally, I'm coming now." he said, voice obviously tired.

Not surprising thinking that the team mom had been on his phone this whole time watching their location through an app that was showing him Bokuto's phone. Akaashi had attached a microchip to it since his captain often ran off, boyfriend or not, and got lost.

He was getting rather frustrated at them as ten minutes had passed and the dot indicating their location had don't nothing but run across his screen.

"Okay!" Bokuto cheered, never really considerimg how Akaashi always managed to find him without saying his location.

"Akaashi's coming."he said as he put the phone back into his pocket and he sat down to let Hinata junp off. The ginger then snuggled onto Bokuto's lap and sighed.

"...Whats wrong?"

Hinata nuzzled his soft cheeks into the firm muscles on Bokuto's chest as he murmured, "I'm a little jealous of Akaashi.... because he's on your team and spends more time with you...and that he's reliable and stuff..."

Bokuto's sharp owl eyes widened at his lover being all cute in his lap and he couldn't help himself to hugging the baby crow tightly.

"Awww you're adorable!!!!" he cooed as he used his chin to mess with Hinata's hair. "I would kidnap you from Karasuno to spend time together!.... but.... Suga is scary...."

Hinata giggled when he remembered the day they started dating, Bokuto had turned up, kidnapped him, dragged him for volleyball match before trying to splutter a love confession out. If it wasn't for Akaashi trying to translate, Hinata's obliviousness would've mistaken it for the friendship love despite having feelings himself.

They kissed on the court but at that moment, Suga came running in baring a cardboard knife and shrieked as he saw the two kissing.

"True" Hinata laughed as he then recalled Bokuto being chased around for a good hour before Daichi came and stopped Suga.

"I'm jealous of your setter too y'know...." Bokuto suddenly pouted, his hair deflating with his mood.


"Yeah...." Bokuto nodded and Hinata felt his boyfriend getting upset so he stood up and opened his arms wide.

"It's fine! Why? Because I love you thisssss much Bokuto!" Hinata said proudly with his arms waving around.

Bokuto then smirked and jumped up too, spreading his arms wide open too.

"Yeah? Guess I love you more because I love you thisssss much!"

With a larger wing span (oops I mean arm span) than Hinata, the ginger pouted as he lost this conversation for being smaller.

"Wait-.... No!"

He couldn't accept losing in a competition where he clearly was the winner for his abundance of love and he hugged Bokuto around the waist.

"No I love you more!"

The large arms then wrapped around Hinata again as Bokuto thought he clearly was the winner.

"No I do!"

"No, I do!"

"No, m-"

"Found you guys..."

"Akaashi!?" they both screamed and Akaashi was already walking away.

"Let's go back to volleyball, we're almost late."

He sighed as he texted the others they were heading back. They missed the briefing but it wasn't like these two would've listened anyway. Akaashi looked over his shoulder and smiled warmly as the volleyball couple jumped around.

"YAY LET'S GO BACK AND DO SOME SPIKESSSSS!!!!!!" Hinata cheered and Bokuto raised both hands to their air.

"HOOOT HOOOT!!!!!!!!!!"


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