Sakusa IIId

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Sakusa yelled as he opened the door but the ginger wasn't there. Desperation hit and not caring about anything else, Sakusa ran out into the cold late night. The warmth of Hinata's hand on his cheek still tingling as he clutched the box.

It was ironically December again, Christmas Eve, the day of their supposed fourth anniversary as Sakusa ran down the streets towards the center of town. He ignored all the weird stares as hot air puffed out of his lungs, making a bee line towards the shining tree in the distance with a certain person standing underneath it's lights.


Hinata turned with surprise to see Sakusa running up to him and a pained smile was painted onto Hinata's face.

"What happened?" he asked hurriedly, obviously stopping himself from running forward.

"Did you forget something Sakusa?" he asked sweetly, wondering what happened and Sakusa gritted his teeth as he saw his lover hold himself back in pain.

"Yeah..." The germaphobe huffed as he walked right in front on Hinata and slowly lifted a hand.

Cupping the ginger's face in his hands, he pulled down his mask to reveal his exhausted and blushing face.


Hinata's eyes watered as he tried to take in what was happening.

"but w-why?"

The germaphobe smiled and interlaced his left with Hinata's right hand before lifting it up and pressing his cheek against Hinata's palm.

"Just now, you wanted to celebrate our fourth didn't you?"

"Do y-you r-r-rememb-ber?" Hinata stammered, happy but unsure as there was still a trace of pain.


Sakusa shrugged his shoulders as got down onto one knee, letting go of Hinata's hands to reach into his pocket.

"No, that's going to be your name if you say yes"

With that, underneath the Christmas tree on their fourth anniversary, Sakusa pulled out the box and opened it, revealing the ring as he smiled at Hinata.

"Sho... Shouyou Hinata."

Tears poured from Hinata's eyes as he went silent and Sakusa gently lifted Hinata's left hand.

"Will you marry me?"

As if on cue, a few flakes of snow started to fall down as Hinata dropped to his knees to kiss Sakusa, tears falling into his lover's face as he happily cried out.

"YES!!! OMI I DO!!!!"

They kissed under the fairy lights of the Christmas tree as snow started to fall gently around them and Hinata laughed as he tenderly hugged the boyfriend who was now his fiance.

"Omi I love you!"

Sakusa, or Kiyoomi now since they were both to be Sakusa, smiled happily as he cupped Hinata's face in his hands before kissing him again.

"I'm sorry for keeping you waiting Sho" he smiled and hugged his fiance close.

"I love you too."

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