Koganegawa II

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It was another usual night as dawn approached the world of harpies and Hinata, the local smol crow, chirped happily as he got up and stretched his wings.

He shook the nest feather (get it?) into place as he flew down to the lake to wash his face and body, letting his black feathers soak before shaking them dry.

"Ah the water feels nice!" he sighed to himself as he heard a rustling sound.

"Hinata BOKE!!!!!!"

Kageyama, a younger but annoyingly larger crow harpy than Hinata, shrieked and Hinata shushed him because it could wake up their mother crow.

"Don't wake up Sugamama! You know what happened last time! He woke up Dadchi and we got banned from the murder for a week!"

(A/n a group of crows is called a murder😂)

Kageyama shook his own black feathers in fear of a past memory before washing his own feathers.

"Are you going to see that finch again?"

Hinata blushed at the mention of his boyfriend and nodded as Kageyama sighed. as he looked at the sky.

"You have an hour until sunrise and an hour and a half until you get caught..."

Hinata happily smiled as he nodded, excitedly hopping out of the water before he waved with his talon and gave a rocket launch upwards into the air.

"Don't get caught boke!" Kageyama scowled in concern as Hinata made a beeline for his secret lover but the small crow was already out of earshot. He sighed as he returned to the nest, secretly sad but happy  that he helped his crush go meet his lover.

Hinata sped past his usual route that he memorized before seeing a sight that made his heart thump happily against his chest as he made a sharp turn and started to dive for Koganegawa his boyfriend.

Hinata smiled as he slowed his descent to gently land into the arms of the person who was once just a senpai he really admired.

"GOOD MORNING KOGANEEEE!!!!" he whisper yelled and they embraced happily.

"GOOD MORNING HINATAAAAAA!!!!" he whisper yelled back and the two birds happily hopped around each other.

The two then looked around to make sure no one could see the secret relationship since it would be met with disapproval from the other harpies.

The reason his lover was a secret to the others was because Koganegawa was an American Goldfinch (fun fact, that's what the yellow angry bird is based off) harpy and love between such different species was frowned upon. 

But the two didn't care because the bond they shared was something they treasured and waking up early to catch prey together was the way they spent the way they spent their shared time.

Hinata rose into the air as Koganegawa copied, his own large black wings spreading out and Hinata marveled at his lovers feathers. He loved the way each feather was tipped with white which contrasted the yellow soft feathers on Koganegawa's shoulders.

They flew around the large fields together as they caught prey before landing on a tree to eat together and watch the sun rise as they satisfied their appetites.

Neither spoke as they let their meal settle and sat in a tree, feeling the wind through their feathers as Hinata smiled before leaning against Koganegawa's shoulder.

"Hinata?" The finch asked and the crow sighed.

"I still don't really get why people don't like us together..."

They cuddled together as Koganegawa tried to make his lover smile.

"I'm sure it will be okay. I mean Kageyama from your murder knows and he's fine right?"

Hinata nodded as Koganegawa pruned his boyfriend's feathers lovingly and the two watched as the sky was now light.

The sound of early birds waking up made them aware they only had a few more minutes together before they needed to part and Hinata lovingly pruned Koganegawa's feathers.

"Even if they don't accept us together, I don't care."

Hinata looked up from pruning to blush as Koganegawa gave him a peck on the cheek.

"I love you and no one can get me to stop seeing you."

Hinata flushed bright red as his feathers huffed a little and he buried his face and body underneath one of Koganegawa's wings.

"You're embarrassing!" he chirped and Koganegawa smiled before he booped his forehead on Hinata's.

"Well you're cute."

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