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"Hey gorgeous!"


Hinata replied as he looked at the random guy who called him 'gorgeous'. What was going on?

"Wanna hang with me beautiful?" he said slowly while winking and a weird shiver went up Hinata's spine. Why was this stranger trying to talk to him?

"aRe YoU gOiNg To KiDnAp Me?!¿¡" Hinata shrieked and the guy chuckled as he reached an arm out ad grabbed Hinata by the hand.


"Nice reaction..." he muttered as he started to slide his hand up Hinata's quivering arm.

"H-hey... S-st-stop...."

Anoutyer hand was about to sneak its way to Hinata's waist and the ginger shut his eyes tight and-


The person hitting on Hinata stumbled backwards revealing that Kenma had pushed his own knees into the stranger's and pushed him to the floor before walking over to the relieved ginger.

"Kenma!" he exhaled exasperatedly, relaxing at the sight of his cat eyed boyfriend who came to his rescue.

"it's okay Shouyou." Kenma started as he walked behind Hinata and covered up the large sparkling eyes with his own hands before glaring at the stranger.

"he won't be bothering you anymore."

A death glare was shot and the other felt so uneasy that he automatically walked away as the hostile cat guarded the ginger with his life.

Seeing that the nuisance had left, Kenma removed his hands from his cute boyfriend's eyes and turned him around before grabbing his hand and leading then to his house.

"Are you okay Shouyou?" he asked out of concern but luckily they were in vain as Hinata nodded happily.

"Nothing happened because you saved me in the nick of time!" he praised and the Nekoma setter blushed a little.

They reached Kenma's house and they went in, they had planned to meet up for a sleepover so it was nearing the time to sleep.

"you sure everything is okay?" Kenma asked for the last time as they changed into their pajamas.

"Well... My arms are still tingly from the contact but I could probably forget it." Hinata admitted and Kenma sat for a while thinking.


Kenma then hugged his boyfriend from behind and lead him toward the bed before turning the ginger around with a kiss. They lay they in comfortable silence as Kenma littered kisses Hinata's face while relaxingly rubbed the arm the stranger grabbed.

Hinata's eyes then flickered heavily as he nodded off before falling asleep and Kenma considered finishing off his game but felt sleepy too. He instead yawned and enjoyed the silence before making himself comfortable and snuggled the pair closer together before falling asleep.

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